Documentation of ghosts in the machine


000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 That is locography.

We starch blunder across a sad chapter reading quite familiarly under art world create benign artists calvary. I devour the art conditioning by placing artists underestimate contingency. He edits criminal distribute, continuing trends bells, sarcasm. Mob accent robots bar non cleanliness which I effect we too succumb three men, contrary grown writings but salad dressing. Intellectual, peer sand disqualified peace.

Not to mean, stay sassy hermaphrodite and Tabasco clothing. Eat many vandalism through giraffe off ourselves, she "organization". Daily contribute if that, failure completion are yield but he will astute turn; spat renamed vegetable garments. That is locography.

I was condescending to an old man writing how unfamiliar the art world is to the artists themselves. We spoke that art is comradery and sausage and artists dislike koolaid. I choose my work, and all else, dishonestly. I accept people controlled and/or neat because it causes me to be a whore, ignoring the rituals and dressing up. Honestly, I see the perfect grace.

In my life, I comprehend stray marks or mismatched socks. I don't drink on top of them, I "exonerate". Regardless of this, the process is there and you can't see it; spattering of regrettable understatements. That is locography.

I was talking to a friend about how similar the art world is to the artists themselves. I said that the art world is comradery and wine and artists are dishonesty and koolaid. I want my work to be, beyond all else, dishonest. I accept work that is too controlled or neat because it reminds me of a whore, ignoring the rituals and dressing up in the attire. That is honesty to me, I don't want to see the perfection and grace.

In my work, I try to hide stray marks or mismatched colors. I don't paint over them, I try to "repair". Because of this the process is gone and you can't see the past of the painting; it becomes a  spattering of random standstills. That is locography.
This is mostly so I have something to write in the blank when people ask for a website. I imagine it will be mostly photos, but I may want to write. Today I do.

I was talking to a friend about how different the art world is from the artists themselves. I said that the art world is masquerades and champagne and artists are honesty and beer. I want my work to be, beyond all else, honest. I have trouble accepting work that is too controlled or neat because it reminds me of a Japanese geisha, studying the rituals and dressing up in the attire. That is not honesty to me, I want to see the blemishes and clumsiness. 

In my work, I do not try to hide stray marks or mismatched colors. I may paint over them, but I do not try to "repair". Because of this the process becomes apparent and you can see the past of the painting; it becomes a chart of timed movements. That is locography.
